The Beginnings Of The Spring Garden


Our spring garden is off to a great start! We’ve already begun harvesting a handful of different things, and I have tons of green tomatoes that will be turning red any day now.

For the past few years, I have stuck to my guns about making sure this thing was all organic and done naturally. I’ve had almost 100% success with keeping away any and all chemicals… that is, other than my very first year when my super nice elderly neighbor decided that I didn’t know what I was doing and poured fertilizer over my squash to show me how much better it would do with a “little help”. I simply had to bite my tongue and respect my elders.

But, as fun as it was to be able to do this all organic, I was slightly disappointed that my plants were always a little smaller than other people’s stuff. I longed to have a giant squash like the ones I had seen on Facebook.

Well, it took me 2 years… but, I’m confident that this is the year that my garden has finally come to life. My soil has only gotten richer each season, and this year, the plants are going crazy in it!

Over the past few years, I’ve been fascinated with figuring out how to naturally grow plants. I love being able to do something the way it has been done for thousands of years, and not depend on man-made products that lessen the quality of our food. For me, it has almost been a challenge just to see if I could do it… and through that challenge, I feel like I have really connected with our food and with the whole process.

So, if you’re just getting started and are tempted to dispair, let me just encourage you to press on. It may take a little while, but it’s worth it.

Here’s a little glimpse into what the garden is looking like in its early stages. I’ve decided to focus more on the things that we love eating rather than trying to grow everything I could get my hands on this year. We’re going with: Tomatoes (a few varieties), Squash, Zucchini, Cucumber, Green Beans, Eggplant, Okra, and Jalepeno.

000075430002Garden003Garden004000075430001 Garden006 Garden007 Garden008Canon 1v  //  Kodak PJ100 Ektapress [Expired]  //  Indie Film Lab

Swiss Chard

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Swiss Chard is one of my favorite products of the winter garden. Not only does the rainbow chard look stinkin’ awesome (and that’s arguably one of the most important things about a consumable product in my opinion)… it also makes for a great side dish around here and frequently gets tossed into a fruit smoothie to make it just a tad healthier. 

We simply chop this bad boy up into half-inch strips and toss it into a pan with some garlic, olive oil, and a little chicken broth and that’s it.

There is something extremely life-giving about being able to grow your food in your back yard. It truly is hard to put into words how great having a garden can be.
Swiss Chard002Canon 1v // Kodak Portra 400 // Indie Film Lab